Category: Awareness Campaigns

Blood Donation Drive at Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu


The Blood Cells Rescue Initiative orchestrated a Blood Donation Sensitization Awareness Campaign and Drive on November 10th, 2023, at the Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy aimed at advocating, educating, and promoting voluntary blood donation to ensure a consistent supply of safe blood for life-saving endeavours.

Sensitization Awareness Campaign

Our team, alongside volunteers, conducted a strategic awareness campaign at the Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy Transekulu. The primary objective was to educate students about the significance of voluntary blood donation and their potential role in securing a stable blood supply within our community.

Blood Drive

Commencing at 12:30 pm, the blood donation initiative unfolded at the Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, involving the methodical registration and vital sign assessment by dedicated volunteers. Following these preliminary assessments, phlebotomy procedures were executed to determine donor eligibility or refer individuals for medical consultations.

Of the 45 registered participants, only 15 met the criteria for blood donation. Those disqualified received necessary supplements to address concerns, primarily malnutritional anemia, a prevalent reason for ineligibility among willing donors.

Blood Drive Procedure Overview

  • Registration and Eligibility Assessment

The blood drive at the Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu, began with a systematic registration process. Volunteers meticulously collected participant information, including personal details and medical history. Each individual underwent an initial assessment of vital signs conducted by our dedicated team, ensuring a baseline health status before proceeding further.

  • Initial Medical Tests and Eligibility Screening

Post-registration, participants were directed for a comprehensive health assessment. Skilled healthcare professionals meticulously conducted assessments to determine donor eligibility. This phase involved measuring hemoglobin levels, assessing blood pressure, pulse rate, and other essential health indicators. Those meeting the stringent criteria for blood donation were guided for further steps, while others received guidance and supplements to address specific health concerns.

  • Phlebotomy Procedures

Eligible donors proceeded to the phlebotomy station, where highly trained medical professionals performed venipuncture. This crucial step involved collecting a blood sample for further analysis and to confirm the suitability of the donor’s blood for transfusion. Simultaneously, samples were screened for potential infections or abnormalities, ensuring the safety and viability of the blood collected.

  • Blood Donation Process

Qualified donors, after successful screening, were ushered into the donation area. Under strict adherence to medical protocols and standards, blood collection began. Skilled phlebotomists collected the required blood volume using sterile and safe techniques, ensuring donor comfort and safety throughout the process. Continuous monitoring and assistance were provided to donors, prioritizing their well-being during and after donation.

  • Donor Refreshment and Conclusion

Upon completion of the blood donation, donors were offered post-donation care. A dedicated area provided refreshments and rest, ensuring donors recovered adequately before leaving the premises. Hydration, nourishment, and post-donation guidance were provided to guarantee donors’ swift recovery and well-being. The session culminated with expressions of gratitude to the donors for their invaluable contribution to the cause of saving lives.

Each stage of the blood drive was meticulously planned and executed with utmost professionalism and care, emphasizing donor safety, well-being, and the importance of their altruistic act in bolstering the blood supply for critical medical treatments.


The process concluded by 7:30 pm after the successful donation from our 15th donor.


Acknowledging the success of our inaugural blood drive, gratitude is extended to our financial contributors and partners, including Miss Steph Foundation, Jedidiah Cares Global Outreach for Women, Youth, and Children, and esteemed individuals: Mrs. Njide Ofoegbu, Dr. Obinna Nwanna-Otolehi, Dr. Chinyere Okeke, Dr. Chioma Aneke, Mrs. Ifeoma Gloria Okere, Pharm Chiagozie Nwokolo, and Mrs. Juliet Ukwuani.

We also extend our unalloyed gratitude to the Student Union Government and school administration of Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu for their immense support, especially in allowing us to use their sick bay for this excercise.


Observations from comprehensive medical check-ups revealed a concerning prevalence of anemia, notably among female students, with 25 out of 30 disqualified donors being females. This pattern raises urgent health concerns, particularly regarding cognitive functions, necessitating intervention from the federal health and education ministries. Addressing this matter promptly is crucial for safeguarding the health and academic performance of our student community.


In concluding our recent blood drive at the Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu, we stand witness to both triumphs and critical revelations. The success achieved, thanks to the dedication of our volunteers, generous contributors, and the noble spirits who donated, has underscored the immense impact of collective action in securing a vital lifeline—safe blood.

Yet, amidst this success lies a pressing concern—a concerning prevalence of anemia among our student community, particularly among females. This observation isn’t just a statistic; it’s a call to action—an imperative to address health disparities affecting our academic cohort.

Therefore, we implore for sustained support and collaborative efforts from esteemed organizations, government bodies, healthcare professionals, and philanthropic individuals. Your support will enable us to expand our initiatives, conduct comprehensive health campaigns, provide necessary medical interventions, and further advocate for the imperative correlation between healthy blood donation practices and overall well-being.

Together, let us fortify the pillars of health, education, and community welfare. Join us in our mission to ensure a healthier, resilient society—one where every drop of blood signifies not just life but also a testament to our collective compassion and commitment towards a better future.

Your support will amplify our impact, saving lives, and fostering a healthier tomorrow for generations to come. Let us stand united in this noble endeavor of preserving lives through the gift of blood.

Thank you for considering our cause and standing alongside us in this journey of hope and health.

Blood Cells Rescue Inititative Heros spreading the message on Blood donation

Blood donation awareness campaigns in Enugu State

In a world where collective efforts can shape destinies, one organization stands out for its unwavering dedication to ensuring a safer and more accessible blood supply. Blood Cells Rescue Initiative, driven by its resolute goal, has embarked on a transformative journey to fill the gaps in blood availability and safety in Nigeria, with a special focus on Enugu state

The challenge at hand is monumental—a deficiency in available and safe blood. To address this pressing issue, the initiative recognizes the significance of widespread awareness and education. The key to igniting change lies in imparting knowledge and rallying individuals to become part of the solution.

donate blood to save lives in Nigeria
Blood donation awareness sensitization campaign at Okpara Square Enugu

Enter a series of impactful events that unfolded over three consecutive Saturdays, spanning two months. Blood Cells Rescue Initiative orchestrated visits to key sports centers and gatherings across Enugu state, a testament to their commitment to touching lives where they matter the most. Prominent venues like the iconic Michael Okpara Square and the Enugu State Sports Stadium became canvases for a message of hope and transformation.

At the heart of these outreaches lay a simple yet profound objective: to instil in people the vital importance of becoming blood donors. The initiative didn’t merely distribute flyers and speak words; they sowed seeds of awareness that could blossom into lifelines for those in dire need. Attendees were introduced to the imperative of regular blood donation, a practice that goes beyond altruism and bestows health benefits on the donors themselves.

The impact of these efforts was tangible, reaching over 2,000 individuals who attended these gatherings. The initiative’s volunteers worked tirelessly, sharing their mission and vision with unyielding passion. The result? A significant number of individuals not only pledged to become regular blood donors but also expressed interest in becoming part of the larger Blood Cells Rescue Initiative community.

Beyond the numbers, however, lies a tapestry of changed lives. Each individual who now carries the torch of awareness becomes a beacon of hope for countless others. The ripple effect of this endeavour extends beyond the gatherings and into families, friend circles, and communities at large.

A notable outcome of these events was the gathering of contact information from over 200 individuals who exhibited keen interest in joining the Blood Donor community. This speaks volumes about the power of education, empathy, and collective action. It’s a testament to the fact that people are not only willing to be part of something larger than themselves but are eager to make a difference when given the opportunity.

In the grand scheme of things, these outreach efforts signify more than just a series of events. They represent a turning point—a shift in consciousness and a promise of a brighter, healthier future. Blood Cells Rescue Initiative’s mission to bridge the gap in blood availability and safety has taken a monumental leap forward, thanks to these impactful encounters.

As the echoes of these outreach events continue to resonate, one thing becomes clear: the journey to ensure a safe and robust blood supply is not a solitary one. It’s a shared endeavor, fueled by the collective will of individuals who understand that their actions can reshape lives. With each step forward, the Blood Cells Rescue Initiative and its growing community of supporters bring us closer to a Nigeria where the life-giving essence of blood knows no bounds.

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