We are providing sustainable and quality blood services

We are a non-profit organization with a mission to ensure the availability and accessibility of safe blood in Nigeria for all who need it, especially women and children, in a timely manner.

We are saving lives through blood cells

We prioritize safety in blood donation, from screening donors to sterilizing equipment - guaranteeing the highest standards for donors and recipients.

blood transfusion centre in Nigeria


We collect vital information about our donors and recipients to ensure that a secure register is kept to ensure that high safety standards are maintained and enforced

blood donation and transfusion in Enugu, Nigeria


Our donors undergo a thorough screening process to verify their eligibility for donation. Additionally, we carefully screen donated blood for compatibility and safety before it is given to recipients.

blood donation and transfusion center in Nigeria


Once you have successfully passed the screening test and have been deemed eligible, you will be directed to a donor bed for the donation process. This typically takes only 6-10 minutes.

blood bank services in Nigeria


After our rigorous screening and seamless donation process, the blood is securely stored in our blood bank to ensure that it is readily available and safe for recipients when they need it.

Blood Donation Drive Campaigns

We organize and promote blood donation drives in local communities and businesses. This is to foster our goal of increasing the availability of blood for patients who need it, and create a culture of blood donation

Education and Awareness Programs

We develop awareness programs on the need for blood donation and its benefits. We aim to eliminate the myths surrounding blood donation and encourage more people to become regular donors.

Training and Support for Healthcare Workers:

We provide train and support healthcare workers on the safe and effective use of blood products, best transfusion practices and patient monitoring. This will help improve the quality of care provided to patients who need blood transfusions.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Blood Donation and Blood Cells Rescue Initiative

Yes, it is safe to donate blood in Nigeria. Blood Cells Rescue Initiative follows strict safety protocols and procedures to ensure that all donated blood is safe and properly screened for medical use. We have highly trained healthcare professionals to ensure that donated blood is tested for infectious diseases and properly stored for use in medical procedures.
It depends on the medical condition. Some medical conditions may make a person ineligible to donate blood, while others may not. Blood Cells Rescue Initiative provides information on eligibility requirements on our website and conducts pre-screening assessments to determine whether a person is eligible to donate blood.
No, we do not charge recipients for the blood itself. However, we charge a small service fee to cover the costs of screening and storage of the blood. We also provide blood free of charge to patients who are unable to pay the service fee. Our aim is to ensure that everyone in need has access to safe blood without financial constraints.
You can support our work in three ways. First, by becoming a voluntary blood donor to ensure that safe blood is always available to persons who need it. Second, you can volunteer with us and contribute your skill and abilities to help us spread the word on blood donation and blood safety awareness. Finally, you can become a financial donor to sponsor our work and activities to ensure that we can impact the lives of individuals that need us.

    Request Appointment


    We are a team of top-class professionals and volunteers dedicated to achieving the goal of safe blood availability for every person who needs it.


    We are dedicated to promoting and advocating for blood donation, we need your help to build a community of voluntary donors who are willing to donate blood in cases of emergencies. If you are passionate about saving lives and making a positive impact in your community, we invite you to volunteer with us. Together, we can make a difference!


    We understand that everyone is different so our care is tailored to your needs.

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